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If you are new to the World Wide Web or are unsure if your business really needs a web site, take a minute to read through our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Do I really need a web site?
The World Wide Web is a powerful medium through which you can advertise your organization's products and services.  Unlike advertisements in newspapers, magazines, trade journals or entries in the Yellow Pages, a web site allows you to:

  • Reach millions of viewer's, world wide, with a single web site.

  • Keep your advertised information current by modifying a single source.

  • Answer inquiries, provide a distribution channel, offer interactive customer service, and receive feedback from customers on a 24x7 basis, without the expense of additional personnel, toll-free telephone lines or answering services.

At present, there are thousands of organizations with corporate web sites and hundreds more are created each day.  It's likely that your competition is already on the web.  The question then becomes, "Can you afford not to have a web site?"

What is an Intranet?
An Intranet is a network that is contained within an enterprise.  It may consist of many inter-linked local area networks within a building, campus of buildings, or geographically dispersed sites.  It may or may not include connections through one or more gateways to the outside Internet.  The main purpose of an Intranet is usually to share organization information and computing resources among employees.  An Intranet can also be used to facilitate working groups and for teleconferences.

An Intranet uses Internet protocols (e.g. TCP/IP, HTTP) and generally looks like a private version of the Internet.  With tunneling, organizations can send private messages through the public network, using special encryption/decryption and other security safeguards to connect one part of their Intranet to another.  Typically, larger enterprises allow connection outside of the Intranet to the Internet through firewall servers screen messages, in both directions, so that organizational security is maintained.

What is an Extranet?
An Extranet is a collaborative network that uses Internet technology to link organizations with their suppliers, customers, or other partners that share common goals.  An Extranet can be viewed either as part of an organization's Intranet that is made accessible to other organizations, or as a collaborative Internet connection with other organizations.  The shared information can be accessible only to the collaborating parties or can be publicly accessible.

Examples of Extranet applications include:

  • Private newsgroups that cooperating organizations use to share valuable experiences and ideas.

  • Group ware in which several organizations collaborate in developing a new application program they can all use.

  • Training programs or other educational material that organizations develop and share.

  • Shared product catalogs accessible only to wholesalers or those "in the trade".

  • Project management and program control for organizations that are part of a common work project.

  • Like Intranets, Extranets require the implementation of thoughtful security and privacy strategies.

What can Brooks Littlefield do for me?
We realize that your primary objective is to generate a profit by selling your products and services, and that you are unlikely to have the time or the resources to create and manage your web site.  That's where we fit.  Brooks Littlefield can:

  • Design, develop and maintain your company web site.

  • Register a unique domain name on your behalf that identifies your presence on the World Wide Web (e.g.:

  • Establish your web site on a reliable, high performance web server, freeing you from the need to own, operate or manage your own web server.

  • Create e-mail alias accounts (e.g.:, ( that are forwarded to your company e-mail addresses.

  • Set up automated responses to inquiries forwarded to specific e-mail addresses (e.g.:



What will it cost?

Brooks Littlefield offers aggressively priced services that are scaled to meet the needs of our clients.  Because the exact cost of our services depends upon your specific objectives, please send us an e-mail requesting information so that we may contact you to discuss your requirements.

Small Business Web Page
An electronic version of your marketing brochure on the World Wide Web, describing your products and services and providing contact information (Prices from $ 2,500).

  • Up to 25 pages describing your products and services.

  • Up to 2 forms using your CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts.

  • A customer feedback/query form using our own CGI script support (requires Web Site Hosting service).

  • Up to 10 e-mail alias accounts (requires Web Site Hosting service).

  • Tier One (1) hosting with triple back-ups for the first year (renewable in one year increments).

Corporate Web Site
A multipage web site, suitable for organizations with a need to offer large amounts of textual and graphical information at multiple levels.  We can design and development of on-line catalog databases, and electronic commerce applications. (Please inquire about our prices).

Domain Name Registration
Domain names (e.g.: on the internet are required to be registered with the InterNIC.  If you do not already have a domain name, Brooks Littlefield can search and register domain names on your behalf.  Registration fees (currently $35 per year) are paid directly to Network Solutions by you or we can process the registration on your behalf.

Web Site Hosting
The backbone of a web site is the server on which it resides.  A slow or unreliable server renders even the most attractive and informative web site useless.  We can establish your web site on servers maintained by carefully selected web hosts.

Optional Services
If you choose to have Brooks Littlefield establish and set up your web site, we can offer optional services such as e-mail alias accounts and automated E-mail responses to inquiries.

Web Site Maintenance
If a web site we have developed for you contains information that is likely to change on a regular basis, you may want to take advantage of our attractively priced maintenance contracts.

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